KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, MBAPresidentEuropean Brand Institute -studied Mechanical Engineeringand Business Administrationat Technical University Vienna -graduated as MBA with specialisation in Marketing und Financeat University of Toronto -obtained his Ph.D. on „value-based management with special emphasis on intangible assets in particular brands" at the University of Graz -Founder and President of the European Brand Institute -President BRAND GLOBAL SUMMIT, Chairman BRAND GLOBAL Council -Chairman of the Austrian Committee for Brand-und Patent Valuations -Developed the standards ONR 16800, ÖNORM 6800 und ÖNORM 6801 -Chairman of the ISO Development Committee on ISO 20671: Brand Evaluation -Member of the Board of Austrian Standards Institute -Partner SummerLightCapital Partners, Chairman EBI BRANDINVEST -EBI UNIDO Partnership program “Branding for Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth” -Publicly appointed and sworn expert to Austrian courts for brand valuation.