Fadi Saab has an enriching professional track record over the past 40+ years in Private Equity, Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Aviation, Tourism, Hospitality, Logistics, and Strategic Management Consultancy. An active board member in major business associations and professional NGO’s specializing in the promotion of Business Ethics, Anti Corruption, Corporate Governance, Transparency, Accountability, and Quality Principles/ After graduating form INSEAD in Fontainebleau with a MBA in Finance, he started a banking career at Saudi International Bank (SIB - London) and JP Morgan Guarantee (MGT - New York), to become later one of the youngest VP’s of Bankers Trust (BTCo - NY) responsible for the International Investment Management Group in the MENA region/ Established Trans Capital Holding in the late 80’s and was Chairman & CEO of several companies operating between the USA, Europe and the Middle East in the fields of aviation, tourism, hospitality and technology (Contitronix USA, NBC - ME, North African Aviation, TransMed Airlines, TransAlsace Airlines and Trans Tourism International). In mid 1990’s he provided consultancy services to the Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL) - Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Public Works & Transportation, Minister of Tourism as well as a number of other major private sector companies.For 12 years (till 2008) Fadi was Chairman & CEO of Trans Mediterranean Airlines (TMA) Lebanon’s national cargo airline, thereafter was Founder/Chairman and/or CEO of several investment and operating companies in The UK, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Denmark, and Lebanon (Top Capital Finance, Aqua Capital Invest, Midtown Hotels; Arab Leasing, United Food Technologies Group, Aqualife A/S, AquaCulture Technologies). In addition to being Founder & Chairman of Trans Capital Finance (UK), Trans Capital Invest (UK), and The Pine Development (Lebanon), he is an active participant in various economic or business associations, and numerous NGO’s promoting Integrity; Anti-corruption; Governance Principles, and Quality Standards such as the B20 Task Forces, Better Business Group, MENA-OECD Business Advisory Board, ICC-Lebanon, AmCham Lebanon, Transparency International Lebanon, IOD Lebanon, and LSQ-Lebanese Society for Quality.Fadi is an advisor to prominent companies on financial strategy & business development, and assists various organizations active in the promotion of SME development including the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce & Industry (ASCAME), Federations of Lebanese Chambers of Commerce Industry & Agriculture, International Chamber of Commerce-Lebanon, Lebanese Economic Forum, World SME Forum (WSF), Turkish Exporters Association (TIM), and others.